Monday, May 7, 2012

You're not the boss of me now

Fuck... The fabric paint on my Cain's Offering is partially cracked. AFTER FIRST WASH! Why do I have a feeling granny's "hand wash" is actually a stone wash? On top of all, she managed to stretch the bottom of the shirt while hanging it to dry. I feel like crying. And they keep wondering why I want the hell outta here? How about being able to do my own laundry so nobody destroys my clothes... Enough mishapen clothes for a lifetime in 5 years...
 It was stinking of cow shit and piss outside as soon as I got to Haapakoski and Tiistenjoki, the ultimate countryside... I nearly drove to the ditch when the stench hit from the car air vents... Ew... I just remembered why I hate spring in here. Constant shit and piss stink...

Just heard that if I was a cat, I would be:
Interesting. Really.

1 comment:

  1. "Tervetuloa Pohojanmaalle, täällä haisee paska ja palalaikka soi. . ." as my big bro tends to say :D
    ...and yes, you are an Abyssinian, since you and the cat breed have similar personalities ;)

    I'm sorry about the Cain's Offering -shirt : < but you can always make a new and better one ;)


Limbo, my old friend

 Jesus Christ. I just can't take this shit anymore.  I've been on suspension from my unemployment support until yesterday. Everythin...