Saturday, May 4, 2019

D78 Sandra Boumediene

 Sandra, the tiny pocket rocket from Sweden. As a defender, she was pesky and like a tiny terrier dangling from your ankle. She went for modeling and can't blame her, piercings make her look even more exotic.

She is one of those who just grows on you, with her happy-go-lucky attitude, yet still, a level head.
As for what she represents in me, I don't know, she's one of those more independent characters who just appeared, exotic and vibrant, a complete opposite of what Finns usually are.

She kept on with sports as well when the team quit, after playing in another girls' team for two more seasons. She became an aerobics and later, zumba and yoga instructor, so that is a testament to her wish to keep on moving. Who knows what all other things she does, I wouldn't be surprised to see her in the Bollywood dance classes, or pulling some Arabic dancing classes herself.

Her motto actually is Dance like nobody's watching. A bit of solid advice, not everyone can follow it though.

Song for her was a no-brainer.

Name: Sandra "Sändi" Boumediene
DoB: 14.4.1991, Stockholm, Sweden
   Father: Arim Boumediene
   Mother: Johanna Järnefelt
Lives: Selenia, Island of Selenia
Work: Model, instructor
BFF: Mikayla Nylander, Anjeylica Tenkrat
Hockey idols:
   Josef Boumedienne
   Tobias Enström
   Tuukka Mäntylä

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